
Shakta Contribution to Varanasi
Author: Ed. R. C. Sharma and Pranati Ghosal
Year: 2006
Price: Rs 360/-
Availability: Available at D.K. Printworld (P) Ltd. (

The worship of Shakti (Mother-Goddess) is almost a universal phenomenon and its manifestation is seen in different forms. Indian contribution has also been laudable and it is amply noticed through the figures of Mother-Goddesses even from the pre-Indus Culture. This was followed in the subsequent ages throughout India, and Varanasi being a great religious centre has also left an indelible imprint in this regard. This book incorporates a good number of research papers presented during a two-day National Seminar held on 1st and 2nd August 2002 at Jnana-Pravaha focussing on multiple aspects of Shakta traditions practised in Varanasi continuing from hoary past to-date. Beside philosophical, religious and cultural leanings, the contents expose the iconographic, ritualistic and artistic rendering of the Divine Mother. Kashi or Varanasi has been a stronghold of religious and spiritual fervour; and several religious sects have contributed to its present texture. Shaktism has also been a forceful current in the cultural stream of this holy city. This is evidence by several Devi temples, 'Shakti-pithas', 'yantras', fairs and festivals associated with the worship of Mother-Goddess.

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