Current Academic Calendar


The work-flow of Jnana-Pravaha in the academic year 2000-2001 (from 1st July 2000 to 30th June 2001) shows a constantly ascending graph. Of course, the success is due to the grace of Lord Vishvanatha and blessings of Ganga Ma who motivated the saints, scholars, participants, students, other organizations and distinguished guests for lending their support and cooperation in different ways. This issue covers the period from July 2000 to June 2001.


1.1 Pratibha Vimarsha

The academic year commenced on 1st August 2000 with a two-day Seminar on Pratibha Vimarsha - The Philosophy of Abhinavagupta and Kashmir Shaivism. It was inaugurated by Padmabhushan Prof. Vidya Nivas Mishra and the Keynote Address was presented by Prof. Arindam Chakravarty, University of Hawaii, USA. The other participating scholars were : Ahcarya Pt. Paramahamsa Mishra, Dr. Surya Prakash Vyas, Prof. Reva Prasad Dwivedi, Prof. Shivji Upadhyaya, Dr. Krishna Kant Sharma, Sr. Shitala Prasad Pandey, Shri Sudhi Desai, Prof. Revati Raman Pandey, Prof. K.D. Tripathi, Dr. Shitala Prasad Upadhyaya and Dr. Pranati Ghosal.

1.2 Bliss of Upanishads - Chhandogya

The annual feature - Bliss of Upanishads was marked by organizing a two-day symposium on Chhandogya Upanishad on 13th-14th October 2000. It was coordinated by Prof. V. Venkatachalam, Former VC, Sampurnanand Sanskrit University and Prof. Bettina Baumer, Director, Alice Boner Foundation. The other participating scholars were : Prof. K.D. Tripathi, Prof. B.S. Vyas, Prof. S.S. Shastri, Prof. P.N. Dwivedi, Dr. Kamla Pandeya, Dr. S. Vijay Kumar, Swami Pranava Chaitanya, Prof. R.K. Tripathi, Pt. H.N. Chakravarty and Dr. Pranati Ghosal.

1.3 Kalidasa-Parva - Meghaduta

Under the annual feature of Kalidasa-Parva, Meghaduta was taken up for discussion in a two-day symposium on 1st-2nd November 2000. The speakers were : Prof. G.C. Pande, Prof. B.N. Bhattacharya, Prof. R.C. Sharma, Prof. R.P. Dwivedi, Prof. Rai Anand Krishna, Prof. Shivji Upadhyaya, Prof. K.D. Tripathi, Dr. K.D. Pandey, Dr. Kamala Pandeya, Dr. Anuradha Banerjee, Dr. A. Singh, Dr. N.C. Panda, Dr. T.K. Biswas and Prof. V.N. Mishra.

1.4 Veda-Vidya : Interaction Between Nigama and Agama

A new annual feature commenced this year under the heading of Veda-Vidya in which a two-day seminar was organized on 1st-2nd January, 2001 and its subject was Interaction Between Nigama and Agama. The participating scholars were : Prof. V.N. Mishra, Prof. Yugal Kishor Mishra, Prof. K.D. Tripathi, Pt. V.P. Shukla, Pt. Paramahamsa Mishra, Dr. S. Chattopadhyay, Dr. Pranati Ghosal, Dr. H.R. Sharma, Dr. K.C. Sharma Dave, Dr. A.K. Pandeya, Dr. Vamadeva Mishra, Dr. Ramanuja Upadhyaya and Dr. N.D. Tiwari.

1.5 Appraisal of Cultural Spectrum of Varanasi

A special small colloquy was organized on 10th February 2001 when Dr. R.V. Vaidyanatha Ayyar, Secretary Culture, Govt. of India, visited the Institution. Besides the Guest-in-Chief, Dr. Ayyar, the other speakers were : Prof. R.C. Sharma, Prof. Vibha Tripathi, Dr. B.S. Mehta, Dr. K.K. Muhammad and Prof. M.N.P. Tiwari.

1.6 Purana-Parva

The Puranas are mines of knowledge and an annual feature has been planned to highlight important features of these texts. The last year's symposium discussed the Shaiva Tattva in Vayu Purana and this year Kurma Purana was taken up for the Cultural Gleanings. The seminar was held on 26th-27th March 2001. The Keynote Address was given by Prof. V. Venkatachalam, while the other scholars who participated in discussions were : Dr. N.P. Joshi, Prof. R.C. Sharma, Dr. S. Chattopadhyay, Dr. N.C. Panda, Dr. Pranati Ghosal, Dr. K.D. Pandey, Prof. Gangadhar Panda, Dr. H.R. Sharma, Dr. G.S. Rai, Dr. K.K. Sharma and Dr. Rama Ghosh. The Valedictory Address was given by Prof. B.N. Bhattacharya.


During the last academic year, a good number of lectures was arranged on various subjects as under:

Historical and Archaeological Dimensions of Shri Krishna by Prof. R.C. Sharma - 24th August 2000.

Shambhavopaya Ki Bhumika (in Hindi) by Acharya Paramahamsa Mishra (organized in collaboration with Acharya Ram Chandra Dwivedi Bharatiya Vidyapeeth) - 31st August 2000.

Bauddha Dharma Evam Vaidika Parampara (in Hindi) by Pt. Satakadi Mukhopadhyay - 20th September 2000.

Deva Pujana Vidhi (in Hindi) by Dr. Nilkantha Purushottam Joshi - 27th September 2000.

Hinduism Based on Personal Experiences by Prof. K.D. Tripathi (organized in collaboration with Alice Boner Foundation) - 3rd January 2001.


Prof. R.C. Sharma, Hon. Director/Acharya, delivered several lectures at Jnana-Pravaha to M.A. Tourism students on special request from the Banaras Hindu University. The details are as under:

20.09.2000      :           National Museum - I

08.11.2000       :           National Museum - II

15.11.2000       :           Tourism in Braj Region

22.11.2000      :           Mathura Museum

06.12.2000      :           Ajanta Caves

13.12.2000      :           Ajanta Paintings

17.12.2001      :           Bharat Kala Bhavan

31.12.2001      :           Temples of Abu


Participants of UGC Staff Training College, B.H.U. visited the Institution on different occasions and introductory illustrated talks on Jnana-Pravaha, and Cultural Aspects of Varanasi were delivered by Hon. Director on 10th September 2000, 31st October 2000 and 15th February 2001. The lecture was also delivered to the delegates of the Seminar on Arts & Religion sponsored by the IGNCA on 15th December 2000.


The Jnana-Pravaha is particularly known for organizing some specialized or in-depth study courses. Due to various reasons and administrative difficulties, the in-depth study of the subject is often not possible in the present day university setup. This Institution, therefore, is making vigorous efforts to fill up this vacuum by launching specialized courses aiming at detailed study of a particular subject. Last year (1999-2000) such courses were organized on Early and Obscure Scripts, Early Mughal Miniatures and Mathura Art and Iconography. In the year 2000-2001, three more subjects were taken up as under:

5.1 Specialized Course on Symbols and Decorative Art

The course was coordinated by Dr. A.L. Srivastava, Lucknow and Dr. M.L. Nigam, Hyderabad from 12th to 24th November 2000.

Dr. Srivastava discussed early Indian symbols like svastika (mystic cross), nandyavarta (taurine), shrivatsa, panchangula (palm), shalabhanjika (lady under the tree), mina-mithuna (pair of fish) and savatsadhenu (cow and calf). Dr. Nigam spoke on jewellery and decorative arts, specially highlighting the temple jewellery of South India, domestic ornaments, jewellery and gold ornaments from Rome, Mughal jewellery, the carving of jades and its development, the Bidari work and Mughal court art. Prof. R.C. Sharma delivered lectures on some auspicious motifs like padma (lotus), kalpavriksha (wish fulfilling tree) and mangala kalasha (full vase). He also analyzed the merits of the famous Nizam jewellery acquired by the National Museum under the orders of the Supreme Court.

5.2 Camp on Rajasthani Paintings

The camp was coordinated by Dr. Asok Kumar Das, Shantiniketan and Dr. Shridhar Andhare, Ahmedabad from 8th to 15th December 2000.

The Keynote Address to the Camp was delivered by Prof. Pramod Chandra of the University of Harvard, U.S.A. Dr. Das discussed the Mughal tradition in Rajasthani Paintings, Amer, Alwar, Bundi, Kota, Uniara, Marwar, Shekhawati, Nathadwara and Jaipur. Dr. Andhare spoke on the paintings of Mewar, Kishangarh, Bikaner, Mathen, Devgarh, Bandore, Sirohi, Ajmer, Ghanerao, Savar, and the technique and calligraphy of Rajasthani paintings. The valedictory function of the Camp on Rajasthani painting was marked by the gracious presence of H.E. the Governor of West Bengal Shri Viren J. Shah, who highlighted the merits of Rajasthani Paintings in his speech. Smt. Anjana B. Shah awarded the certificates to the participants.

5.3 In-depth Study Course on Mauryan and Shungan Art

The course was coordinated by Dr. N.P. Joshi, Prof. R.C. Sharma and Dr. T.K. Biswas from 13th to 26th February 2001. In this In-depth Study Course detailed analysis was made of the following topics by Prof. R.C. Sharma: Art and man, Indian texture of art, Historical and cultural backdrop, Pre-Mauryan artistic tradition (including pre and proto-historic, Vedic, post-Vedic and language of symbols). Ashoka's policy towards art in the background of his edicts, early yakshas, ring-stones, rock-cut architecture of Mauryan and Shungan period in terracottas.

Dr. T.K. Biswas spoke on the Royal Court Art, Sarnath Lion Capital, origin and development of Stupa architecture, Stupas of Bharhut, Stupas at Sanchi, the symbols, Jataka narration in sculptural art, Yakshas in Shungan sculptures, architecture, sculptures at Bhaja, Bodh Gaya, Kaushambi and Sarnath, gleanings of paintings, etc.

Dr. N.P. Joshi dealt with the following topics: general features of Shungan art, Shungan sculptures from Mathura (Jaina), Brahmanical sculptures of Shunga period, literature as interpreter of art pieces and some minor objects.

All the lectures were profusely illustrated with slides, transparencies, charts and maps. The projection was followed by questions and answers. The remarkable feature of these specialized courses was that the participants on their turn are asked to give the brief of the lecture on the preceding day.


A novel feature of this year's academic pursuits has been the study of Adhyasa Bhashya (interpretation of Shankaracharya on Brahmasutra Bhashya) in the traditional way of teacher and taught - guru-shishya parampara. These Upanishad type of discourses were delivered by the renowned scholar and former Vice-Chancellor, Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Padmashree Prof. V. Venkatachalam. The deliberations aimed at thorough and deeper probe of the philosophical theme shedding light on the Realization of Soul. This course will continue in the coming sessions also.


The academic year 2000-2001 witnessed the following important events held at Jnana-Pravaha:

7.1 Shastrartha : The academic debate (shastrartha) has become an annual feature in order to promote the learning and deliberations in the traditional way. This practice is gradually dwindling for various reasons. Last year, the shastrartha projected the debate in the court of Janaka between Bandi and Ashtavakra as mentioned in the Mahabharata. This year it was held on 6th December 2001 and its subject was Vedanamapaurusheyata, i.e. whether the Vedas are human composition or superhuman. The programme was coordinated by Prof. Shivji Upadhyaya, Dr. N.P. Joshi and Dr. Kamal Kant Tripathi. The eminent Sanskrit scholars Prof. Reva Prasad Dwivedi and Prof. Sitaram Shastri acted as judges. In this interesting debate, which was held in Sanskrit only, Shri Navraj Sharma argued that the Vedas are human composition and on the other hand, Shri Ram Adhikari fought for the superhuman nature of the Vedas.

7.2 National Workshop on Manuscriptology and Palaeography : One  of the most important events of this year was the convening of a National Workshop on Manuscriptology and Palaeography in collaboration with IGNCA, New Delhi from 20th December 2000 to 3rd January 2001. It was inaugurated on 20th December by H.E. the Governor of West Bengal Shri Viren J. Shah, who laid stress on preservation and study of manuscripts, which are the fountain-heads of knowledge. The function was chaired by Padmashri Prof. V. Venkatachalam, Ex. Vice Chancellor, Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi. Senior scholars from different quarters of the country were present to guide the workshop. These include Dr. T.N. Dharmadhikari, Shri Satkari Mukhopadhyaya, Prof. Ratna Basu, Prof. S.R. Sharma, Dr. Vijay Shankar Shukla, Dr. T.P. Verma, Dr. Prakash Pandey, Prof. R.C. Sharma, Dr. R.K. Pandey, Prof. B.N. Bhattacharya and Prof. B.B. Chaubey. About 35 participants representing east, west, north and south India arrived to be benefitted and to practice the reading of a number of scripts, which were in vogue in different periods. Detailed discussions were held on editing and restoration of text and old documents.

7.3 Shrauta Yaga : A notable feature of this year was the performance of a Vedic yajna on 3rd January 2001. Such yajnas are extremely rare as the modern trend is to perform the paddhati yajnas only. It was coordinated by Dr. H.R. Sharma of Banaras Hindu University. The Mitravindeshti yajna continued for about 4 hours and was performed by learned scholars, well-versed in the Vedas. A special yajnashala with five sacrificial pits (yajnakundas) was erected on the occasion. A good number of scholars from the three Universities and other educational institutions were present to witness this rare occasion.

7.4 Launching of Website : The Jnana-Pravaha is now on the Internet after the launching of the Website by H.E., the Governor of West Bengal, Shri Viren J. Shah and Smt. Anjana Shah on 22nd December 2000. The website code is

7.5 New Building Vastushanti Yajna : The new building of Jnana-Pravaha is getting the finishing touches. While the formal opening (lokarpana) will take some time, a five-day Vastushanti Yajna was performed from 28th May to 1st June, 2001. This consecration (devarpana) followed grihapravesha (entry into the new complex) in the forenoon of 1st June. Let us hope for the best : siddhih sadhye satamastu prasadattasya dhurjateh - 'let there be success in the aims of noble men with the blessings of Shiva'.


The study of early and obscure scripts is an important aspect of the academic activities of Jnana-Pravaha. Besides lectures, the emphasis is laid on the decipherment of old scripts without which it is not possible to explore the foundation of Indian history and culture. It is necessary to revive the practice of periodical decipherment failing which one forgets the formation of letters and their development through ages. A special Refresher Course, namely Lipi Pravaha, has been planned to continue the practice of Brahmi and Kharoshti scripts under the guidance of Prof. R.C. Sharma and Dr. T.P. Verma. The classes were held in February, March and April, 2001.


9.1 Lectures : The lectures delivered in Jnana-Pravaha are generally recorded. These are now being gradually transcribed and fed in the Computer.

9.2 The preparation of press copy of the series of lectures has been undertaken. Same is the case with the Seminar and Conference deliberations.

9.3 Programmes/Events : Visual documentation of important functions, events and academic activities is prepared. Besides photo albums, video tapes are also tried.

9.4 Slides/Transparencies : With the growth of research and exhibition activities, it is necessary to cope with the demand of the great speakers for slides and transparencies to be used in their lectures. The photographic team visited team visited Allahabad Museum to cover important early sculptures. Duplicate slides have been prepared from books and catalogues. Transparencies are made available without loss of time. The documentation has facilitated the scholars to a great extent. The use of transparencies is made particularly from script courses.

9.5 Script Charts : The renowned paleographist, Shri I.C. Rahi was requested to prepare charts of early scripts with detailed description and introductory notes. So far thirty-six charts have been made available. Shri Rahi was honoured in a function when he handed over the charts.


Stray sculptures in and outside the city of Varanasi sometimes fall prey to the antique lifters. The Jnana-Pravaha has, therefore, undertaken a project of survey and documentation of these loose antiquarian remains and also the temples and shrines which are of archaeological and artistic interest. This programme is being coordinated by Prof. Kamal Giri, Member of the Governing Council with the help of Dr. Vijay Singh and Dr. Pramod Giri.


11.1 Although due to resource crunch it has not been possible to take up publication on priority, yet this aspect remains as a coveted goal.

Jnana-Pravaha Bulletin No.3 (1999-2000) : The third issue of the Annual Bulletin of Jnana-Pravaha was released on the opening of the last academic session, i.e. 1st August 2000. It is an Improvement on the previous numbers and contains the following sections:

(A) Introduction with a Glimpse of Jnana-Pravaha, the Bodies of Jnana-Pravaha, Ode to Jnana-Pravaha and Oblation to Kashi and Ganga.

(B) This part furnishes the progress report for the year 1999-2000 under various heads.

(C) Views expressed - incorporating the opinions recorded by the visitors in the Visitor's Book or the observations received through letters and from the pen of scribes.

(D) This part contains important and representative papers presented on various occasions, particularly read during seminars.

(E) Some concept papers on the three in-depth study courses conducted by the Institution.

(F) Appendices incorporating the Academic Roster for the year 2000-2001, Library rules, list of participants of specialized courses and guide to pronunciation.

This issue was dedicated to the Dawn (Ushas) of the third millennium. Another notable feature was that some visuals were also reproduced in this issue.

11.2 Jnana-Pravaha Diary : During the reporting year, a Jnana-Pravaha Millennium Diary was brought out containing useful information about the Institution and the Academic Roster for the entire year and the Indian Calendar (Panchanga).

11.3 Brochure/Roster : Introductory handouts of the Institution and the Academic Rosters with upto date information and changes were brought out from time to time and made available to the course participants and other visitors.

11.4 Press Copy of Proceedings : Till the full-fledged publication sees the light of the day, it is planned to prepare the computerized hard copies of the proceedings of the seminars after editing and alteration. The work being coordinated by Prof. R.C. Sharma and Dr. Pranati Ghosal is in progress and three volumes may be given final shape in the coming academic session.


The Institution houses a reference library on Indian philosophy, art, culture, literature and allied subjects. The number of volumes is about 6,000 and it is gradually increasing. Sometimes the books are also received as gift for which the donors and well-wishers deserve all appreciation. More than three hundred books were catalogued and their subject-wise and author-wise cards were also prepared. A total number of 158 books have been purchased and about 300 have been gifted. This year's grand donors (gifting more than hundred books) are again Smt. Santosh Sharma and Smt. Pallavi Sharma. The work is however progressing and the classification is expected to be completed in the next session. Like previous year, Shri Jagadish Prasad Sharma and Shri Nity Gopal Sharma examined 164 manuscripts.


Some well-wishers made gifts of items to the Institute from time to time and the most remarkable gift has come through the generosity of Shri Narendra Agrawal from Chunar. The coin collection representing different periods in Indian history is of great value. The Institution is much indebted to this noble gesture of Shri Agrawal. There is a possibility of beginning a Vedic Complex at Chunar in the joint collaboration. Shri Daya Sharan presented a set of cards illustrating the 19th century costumes.


Necessity was being felt for some time to conduct some programmes to inspire the younger generation to lead a sincere, honest and ideal life. These projects were coordinated by Prof. A.N. Tripathi of B.H.U. and Smt. Manju Sundaram of Vasant Kanya Mahavidyalaya. The important events were as under:

14.1 Recitation of Hindi Poetry : Recited by forty students of four schools representing - Sunbeam, Bhagawanpur; Tulsi Vidya Niketan, Vasanta School, Rajghat and B.T.S., Kamachchha on 26th September 2000. This was inaugurated by Mrs. Mary Carmen Lyn Chandra from Harvard, U.S.A.

14.2 Antyakshari Competition Sixteen students from Sunbeam, Tulsi Vidya Niketan, Vasanta School and B.T.S. participated on 16th October 2000. Dr. Daljeet, Keeper, Painting of National Museum was the Chief-Guest and Prof. Shri Nivas Pandey of Hindi Department, B.H.U. chaired. 

14.3 Inter-school Drama Competition : Forty-four students from Sunbeam, Tulsi Vidya Niketan and Vasanta School participated on 5th December 2000. The guests-of-honour were Smt. Rashmi Kumar, Padmabhushan Smt. Girija Devi and Acharya Shrivatsa Goswami. 

The remarkable feature in this programme have been thorough preparation, impressive presentation and without the feeling of rivalry and unhealthy competition. Sometimes the teams are mixed and each participant is given the prize without declaring position.


The success of the well-knit academic activities motivated other institutions to request Jnana-Pravaha to organize such events in their campus. Most of these were conducted or coordinated by the Hony. Director/Acharya Prof. R.C. Sharma. The important ones are as under:

1. Indian Paintings at Allahabad Museum on 2nd July 2000.

2. Mathura and Gandhara Art at Allahabad Museum on 15th-17th July 2000.

3. Indian Iconography at Allahabad Museum on 22nd July 2000.

4. Paper presented on Inner-Cultural Growth of Varanasi in a Seminar organized by HUDCO on 11th August 2000.

5. Role of Museum in promoting Performing Arts at Faculty of Music, B.H.U. on 26th August 2000.

6. A series of ten lectures on Mathura Arts and Iconography through the courtesy of the Mumbai University and Prince of Wales Museum, Mumbai on 4th-8th September 2000.

7. A series of sixteen lectures on the same subject delivered at the National Museum Institute, New Delhi on 3rd-11th October and 27th-30th November 2000.

8. The Concept of Ganesha at Indus Club, Mumbai on 5th September 2000.

9. The same lecture at IGNCA, Varanasi on 28th September 2000.

10. Lecture on Indian Art & Culture at Gandhian Institute, Rajghat on 6th November 2000.

11. Lecture on Kalidasa at Sarvabhauma Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi on 17th December 2000.

12. Heritage Management at Archaeological Survey of India, Sarnath on 26th December 2000.

13. Antiquarian Laws at the same venue on 28th December 2000.

14. Large size photographs of paintings sent to Allahabad Museum for an Exhibition in the Mahakumbha Mela in January 2001.

15. Keynote Address on O.C. Ganguly in the Banga Sahitya Samaj, Varanasi on 4th March 2001.

16. Sanskrit test of AIIS Fellow on 12th March 2001.

17. Dr. A.K. Coomaraswamy Memorial Lecture on Controversy Between Date and Style at the Allahabad Museum on 1st-15th March 2001.

18. Chaired a session on Sanskrit and World Civilization and presented a paper Fresh Appraisal of Raghu-  Kautsa Episode in the World Sanskrit Conference, New Delhi on 5th April 2001.

19. Collaboration with AIIS suggested in an informal meeting on 18th April 2001.

20. Lecture on Social Relevance of Museums on the occasion Museum Day at ASI, Sarnath on 18th May 2001.

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