Current Academic Calendar


The Bulletin of Jnana-Pravaha steps into the second year, reporting the activities of the Institute for the period from June 1998 to May 1999, the year which went through with mixed sentiments. On one hand the Institute had the privilege to organize a good number of academic activities and cultural performances, but on the other hand we lost a great well-wisher, guide, scholar of repute and supporter Prof. Prem Lata Sharma, a member of the Governing Council. We paid our tributes in dedicating the National Seminar on Dhvani to her sacred memory as it was actually conceptualized by her. She was one of the Editors of the first issue of the Bulletin (1997-1998) and we pay our homage to our senior brilliant colleague.


First Lecture Series

The Academic Year 1998-1999 commenced on 12th August 1998 with a four-day lecture series, which was initiated by Dr. Bhanu Shankar Mehta on Ramalila. The scholar who has devoted several decades on this subject came out with several interesting facts and anecdotes on Ramalila, which is the most popular public play of the country. It was just a coincidence that last year's academic session also began with discourse on Ramayana by Dr. I. Panduranga Rao.

Acharya Sita Ram Kaviraj, an exponent of esoteric knowledge, spoke on Nadatattva Evam Shri Vidya Mantrayoga Ki Vivechana on 13th August 1998.

Prof. V. Venkatachalam, Former Vice-Chancellor, Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi, delivered the third lecture on 16th August 1998 on the lifestyle of two incarnations, i.e. Rama and Krishna.

The lecture series terminated on 19th August 1998 with the talk of Prof. K.P. Singh, who spoke on Mahabharata Ka Bharata Par Prabhava. The scholar dealt with the influence of the Great Epic on the Indian Culture.


Demonstration and Documentation

The other important activity of the year was the Performance and Documentation by Smt. Uma Maheshwari and Shri Kalakrishna of Hyderabad. The gifted couple stayed for a week from 5th to 13th October 1998 for demonstration and recording. Smt. Maheshwari performed and recited from Kumara Sambhavam, Abhijnana Shakuntalam, Adi Shankaracharya, Bhakta Jaideva (all in Sanskrit) and Sugriva Vijayam, Rukmini Kalyanam, Bhakta Markandeya and Sita Kalyanam in Telugu. Shri Kalakrishna performed Bhamakalapam and Navajanardanam in Kuchipudi style. The programme was sponsored by the Sangeet Natak Akademy, New Delhi, through the courtesy of late Prof. Pram Lata Sharma.

Swami Rajeshwaran and Sarasvati's gracious visit on Gurupurnima culminated in performance of Gurupuja of Smt. Girija Devi. He also delivered a discourse on Bharata Charitra. During Durga-puja, Basanta-puja (Vedic recitation) and Devi-puja were performed and on 1st October 1998, Rudrabhisheka was a notable ceremony. Twelve Brahmacharis from Shri Jayendra Sarasvati Veda Vedanga Vidyalaya, Chitrakoot collectively recited Krishna Yajurveda and performed Sandhya and other rituals.


Second Lecture Series

Ahcarya Shrivatsa Goswami, a noted scholar from Vrindavan delivered an interesting and thought provoking series of three lectures from 26th to 28th October 1998. The topics of deliberations were : (1) God : Are we not tired of it? (2) Who is a Hindu? (3) Religion and Environment.

Dr. I. Panduranga Rao, an erudite scholar and Member of the Governing Council of Jnana-Pravaha lectured on the Two Facets of Excellence on 4th November 1998. This was followed by the five-day discourse on the Aranya Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana.

Prof. Pramod Chandra of the Harvard University, USA spoke on The Painter in Indian Painting on 5th January 1999. The lecture with rich academic contents was profusely illustrated with slides.

Smt. Sunayana Hazarilal from Mumbai, an awardee of Sangeet Natak Akademi, New Delhi gave a Kathak Dance recital on 14th February 1999.

The Institute had a nice opportunity to have two special lectures on Indian art by the scholars from Vadodara on 19th June 1999. Prof. Ratan Parimoo, a renowned artist and art historian, spoke on the Perceptions on Studies of Indian Paintings and Dr. Shailendra Kushwaha delivered an illustrated lecture on Some Aspects of the 17th Century Mewar Paintings.



The most remarkable event of the period under review was the four-day National Seminar on Dhvani (Sound) from 11th to 14th March 1999. As reported above, it was conceptualized by Prof. Prem Lata Sharma and after her sad demise on 4th December 1998, the conference was dedicated to her sacred memory. Eminent scholars, musicologists and musicians representing different quarters of the country participated. The sessions were devoted to Vedic sounds, Vyahriti, Nada, Grammar, Literature, Theatre, Music, Visual Arts and Kirtana. The Keynote Address was delivered by Dr. Kapila Vatsyayana, an academician par-excellence and Academic Director, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi. The inaugural session was presided over by the well known literary figure Padmabhushan Prof. Vidya Nivas Mishra.

The occasion was marked by the release of the book The Universe That Is God by Dr. I. Pandurang Rao.

A prayer book with audio cassettes, titled Stuti-Manjari, also saw the light of the day.

Yet another remarkable event was the hosting of one-day session of Didriksha, an International Congress on Culture, Travel and Tourism, organized jointly by the Prajna Foundation, New Delhi and the Bharat Kala Bhavan, Banaras Hindu University. The 5th, 6th and Valedictory sessions were held at Jnana-Pravaha on 11th April 1999, which dealt with Travel and Cultural Dissemination for the 21st Century and Tourism and Culture : A Synergic Duo.

The deliberations proceeded as under :

Shri Savinder Anand spoke on A Proposal for Sonic Tourism in India.

Ms. Nicole Vaugeois of Malaspiana University, Vancouver, Canada, presented her paper on Development of Aboriginal Tourism - The Canadian Experience.

Ms. Adriana Estrada of University of Mexico highlighted : Evolution of Tourism Trends in the Latin American Region and Future Projection.

Prof. R.C. Sharma, Director, Bharat Kala Bhavan, Banaras Hindu University, and Member, Governing Council, Jnana-Pravaha, presented his paper on Culture and Tourism - A Reciprocal Commitment.

Dr. T.J. Kamphorst, Director, W.I.C.E., Netherlands and Dr. Ishwar Modi of the University of Rajasthan, Udaipur, moderated the sessions.

Since food is also an important component of Culture and Tourism, the Institution hosted a lunch - Jimana to the delegates of the Congress in the typical Rajasthani (Shekhawati) style. The menu chart highlighting the features of the food delicacies and their regional significance was circulated on the occasion. The Rajasthani folk songs and the Oriental style of sitting on the ground while eating, were highly appreciated. The Chief Host, Smt. Bimla Poddar, Managing Trustee, played a key role in organizing this novelty.

The Valedictory Session was chaired by Prof. Y.C. Simhadri, Vice-Chancellor, Banaras Hindu University. The resolutions adopted, included the creation of awareness for clean environment for tourists and visitors, efforts for getting rid of pollution from the Ghats of Varanasi, which should be given the status of heritage, provision of tourist facilities in consonance with the character of the place, retention of the spiritual significance of the pilgrim spots, utilization of youth for guide service, encouragement to Home Stay Facility, revival of role of priests. The text of resolution is being reproduced separately under the 'Reportings'. Dr. Veena Sharma, Chairperson, Prajna Foundation, New Delhi, moderated the session.


Opening of Library

On this grand occasion, the Library of the Institute was also inaugurated by Prof. Y.C. Simhadri, Vice-Chancellor, Banaras Hindu University, by lighting the lamp before the picture of goddess Sarasvati. The Library will be known as Sarasvati Bhandara. The collection of books of late Shri Janki Prasad Poddar served as the foundation of Library and it has further been enriched by the donation of good number of books by Shri Suresh Kumar Neotia, Mahamahopadhyaya Dr. Sita Ram Shastri, Smt. Santosh and Pallavi Sharma. Smt. Bimla Poddar, Managing Trustee, gave a brief introduction, Prof. K.D. Tripathi appreciating the academic pursuits of Jnana-Pravaha proposed a vote of thanks.



The Institution had the privilege to receive the following important guests and delegations :

1. His Holiness Jagadguru Shankaracharya of Kanchivaram.

2. Prof. Murli Manohar Joshi, Hon'ble Minister of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India.

3. Delegation from Museum Society of Philadelphia Museum, U.S.A. The occasion was marked by the Vina-vadana by Dr. Gopal Krishna Mishra of Banaras Hindu University.

4. Delegation from Richmond University, USA.

5. The other important visitors were Pt. Jasaraj, celebrated classical vocalist; Guru Kelucharan Mahapatra, famous Odissi dance exponent and Prof. Mandan Mishra, Vice-Chancellor, Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi.

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